Watch “”Embracing Uncertainty” #SelfLove” on YouTube

“Embracing Uncertainty” #SelfLove:

This is a great message for anyone questioning whether or not they want to take a chance. The future is unknown for all of us. That’s life. But the potential growth from failing or succeeding is priceless.

Embrace life’s adventures. ~Andrea Lewis

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made


Nowadays we have made it all too easy to compare our lives to the lives of others. We no longer have to go to school with someone, know of someone through a friend, or hear about whoever through the grapevine. No. All it takes is logging into any social media site and with a few easy swipes of your pointer finger, enter someone else’s self-created online world. Emotions can take over -you could be doomed into a dreary world of sadness. But the grass isn’t always greener on the other side…most times it’s only a facade.

Talents and gifts go undiscovered and undeveloped when spending time imitating or even envying someone else’s self-created online world. Why not come back to the other side of the fence and live our own lives? Let’s not compare and become depressed. Instead, become who we ought to be by living our own lives the best we can.

Today make an effort to be thankful for all that you have.

Millia C.

~Psalms 139:14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.

Listening to the Voice Within

Most mornings, I am rushing to leave the house on time, so I am not late for work. I have little time to sit down and eat a bite! Most commuters like myself have found creative ways to drive and eat on the go. However, I don’t recommend them to anyone, especially on rainy days.
Fortunately, a plan B is always waiting to be utilized. Can you guess it? Yes, wake up earlier. I know it’s tough, but getting to bed earlier to rise earlier is worth it. Allow yourself 10 to 20 minutes of quiet time each morning. To relax, think, and even pray. I found that once I started meditating on scripture, it became a rewarding way to start the day. If you don’t already, it can really set the tone for the day, and grant a good foundation for your attitude and personal outlook.
Challenge yourself tonight. Try turning in early and rising early tomorrow morning. Listen for the voice within. You just might receive peace and serenity for the day. ~ Millia C.

Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress. 1 Timothy 4:15 ESV


The Benefit of “Me” Time

Loneliness and being alone are two different states of being. Positive things happen when you’re alone. It can serve as an opportunity for introspect; and having a deeper understanding of one’s aspirations, convictions, and gifts. Don’t be afraid of being alone. We all need a little silence every now then, but loneliness, I wish on no one…